Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Juliet Capulet Essay Example For Students

Juliet Capulet Essay Juliet of the Capulet house is the 13-year-old daughter of the rich, and noble, Lord and Lady Capulet. She is known throughout fair Verona, for her kindness, beauty, and good manner. During her 13 years on this earth, it is obvious in her character that she is very practical, and knows exactly what she wants. For example, when her mother is discussing marriage, she states it is an honor she would dream not of, but still, a question shall arise by the way Juliet is suddenly captivated by the young, and handsome Romeo of the Montague household. Despite an ancient feud, which exists between both household, Juliet shows a sense of independence, when she secretly marries Romeo. Though Juliet believed she knew her heart well, she certainly fell head over heals for this handsome Montague. Juliet is always spoken very well of by the Nurse, and is the apple of her fathers eye. When she is later confronted with the news of having an arranged marriage to the County Pairs, Juliet shows her rebelliousness, and faithfulness to Romeo when she stands up to her father, telling him what she really thinks of Paris. Although Juliet can speak, and think for herself, she tends to also rely on others a little too much, for example, she will constantly insist that the Nurse is it give her the information about Romeo, and believe she cannot help herself, or Romeo at all, once she hears news of her soon to be marriage. Juliet still remains very faithful to Romeo, and he compares her to the sun, saying that her eyes are as bright as two of the fairest stars in heaven, and her cheeks even brighter. Once the official plan has been set for Juliet to finally re-unite with Romeo, she shows her faithfulness, willingness, and bravery when she drinks the sleeping potion. Juliet shows her honesty in her relationship with Romeo, going to great lengths in order to be with him, and not taking to heart that the entire plan may go wrong. When Juliet finally awake in the tomb to find her Romeo who has sacrificed himself for her, she shows true strength, courage, and an overall passion that makes her heart believe she cannot live without Romeo, by tragically taking her own life. In a way, someone could very well argue the fact that Juliet was only 13, and did not know her own self very well. Although being raised with riches, and good fortune, Juliet was a very practical young lady, who believed strongly in love, life, and passion. She knew her own soul only too well, and could not bear to live a life without love. If the situation is looked at from her perspective, it is quiet simple, in her mind, and in her life, love can over power anything.

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